
It seems the love for the murlocs, especially the infant ones, is expanding among the players of World of Warcraft. In fact, i really am wondering if, somehow, this phenomenon isn't spreading across the "uninitiates" too. It all started with someone noticing the gurgling warcray let forth by any murloc attacking a target; then people began to talk about this, making fun of the standard situation: a player walks close to a murloc base (murlocs have villages, i know), tries to pull one of them, ends up with 10 crying, gurgling, running to fight the poor player =>
player dead. Rinse and repeat, until insanity. The human nature can turn the unpleasant to being harmless by making it the subject of a joke, i think this may be a factor that contributed to the increasig simpathy for the murlocs of any kind (and the baby murloc in patricular, since the babies are always cuter, see the kittens, puppies and human babies too). At some point, even the official Blizzard website had a mouse-over sound making section which - surprise - let you hear the famous murloc battle cry : "Grahralahgrahrahrahrararaw".

As the new tendencies must be exploited, Blizzcon, the international convention for showcasting the upcoming Blizzard titles, offered the opportunity to raise the Wow's murloc population, delighting the attendees by a bag of goodies which contained, among others, a special code for
obtaining a in-game murloc baby. Entering the code by talking to a npc is the only way to aquire such a pet. If you are the lucky owner of such a code, you can either sell it by auctioning it and make a small fortune or you can talk to ( Alliance side :) the dwarf Ransin Donner in Forlorn Cavern in Ironforge standing there with a little murloc named Murky (blue) or the
other dwarf, Garel Redrock, for Gurky (pink) ( Horde side: )Zas'Tysh near a small pond in the Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar for Murky (the blue murloc baby) or Tharl Stonebleeder in the
same location, for Gurky (the pink murloc baby).
The baby murlocs don't have any usage except their presence being a symbol of your belonging to the few special ones (hehe) and being cute and all, gurgling in a smotther and childish way; and oh, they burst into dance sometimes, cane and tophat included.
The murloc babies popularity increases as the time passes, i've seen t-shirts and towels for sale with baby murloc prints, i have recently admired some pictures of a clay murloc baby, created for a child's great joy and not for sale. People express their creativity and start turning the virtual cute, little pets into real copies that can be hugged and loved. I haven't seen yet a plush toy representing a baby murloc, but it wouldn't be a failure to start a business in selling these things, now would it?
I cannot believe the price these things are going for on ebay. Seriously people, scoot away from the keyboards, go outside, and smell the beautiful fresh air for a change! I'll hold the murloc code. Go on, I'll be right here... with the murloc code...
Okay.. fin i need it to...
yo wats the code iv been lokking everywere
the code is cramgy
Liar, i tried that it doesnt work.
wat is the code tell us come on y not
if you went to blizzcom then on some of the hand outs they gave you a 25 digit code...similar to your account activation code but a new personal code for the murloc.. you then have to go to the website and enter your new 25 code and will be given a second code to enter in with your region and your realm.. they then..will give you a password that is only for 1 use..its not a general password where everyone has the same one. its specifically generated after giving the info... you would have a better chance guessing someones account authorization code than you would getting a murloc code.
wtf i live on the other side of the country this isnt fare...
i cant go to cali.
that's because (afaik) you have to enter the initial code into a wow webpage and then it will throw another code at you that you can use in-game.
that page resides here:
*caugh* ppl want one cos their cool. telling ppl to get away from the keyboard wont help. Atleast they use it for summit other that flaming anobamously on forums. hmmm perhaps hes compensating for summit are u and ugly shrimp man ??? :-P
the code is 1004159431065713567812347
That code is not the right code!
gimmie the right code! PLZZ!!!
i need the code.i'm so poor,i couldnt afford a frog at the darkmoon faire.plz send a code to acleffa@aol.com
wow people CHILL!!
i just found out about the whole murlock things cause i stumbled upon the dude asking for the code in wow. I was curious so looked around for this code. Its a one time use thing. Even if someone gave u the code chances are good it'd be useless..unless said person didn't use it...or they're just pulling ur chain. Yeah the murlock thingies are cool but no need to get soo defensive or aggressive about it people. I'm going to take the advice and go get some fresh air.
Cmon people, the code given out at Blizzcon is only half of the process, this code is entered into a Blizzard webpage, which gives the user a uniwue code bound to their user ID.
Trying to crack this is pointless, as the code is authenticated against your user ID and probably a flag in your membership database record.
Just leave it alone, and get on with enjoying the game!!
haha i got the code, haha i have a pet and you will never get it
If I don't get a murky right now for free (id mean code i mean trade on wow) I'm gonna kill Every Person who went to Blizzcon!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!
the codes for the pets change every weak
Ok...first of all some people need to learn how to spell..second you can only use the code once so if you ask a person and they already used it that code is gone. Go to the website and get the code because it is random and there is always a different code.That is all.
Here's the deal with the Murloc Pet. No it does not do any attacks, but it DOES for a fact add 1 sec to spells. Trust me, I know. I have two of these cards from going to the convention. And another things is, I do not see how people "THINK" all the codes are different. There not. Both cards I have are the "SAME" codes. As I compared codes to others who were there, they too had the "SAME" code as I did. Well what do you know? "BOTH" codes work on "TWO" different toons of mine.
Tisk tisk... You people need to chill out.
It's just a game, not a real living world.
i think the whole thing is unfair in a wonderful, wonderful way. i meen, ive seen people get rid of their pets, and try to train the murky because it says "beast" under the name...
i think they should eventualy make the murky avaliable to everybody, it should just cost like 100g or something like the mana wyrmlings and so on...
will there be any way to get the code again? Like maybe another Blizzcon or something?
and i got hand of rag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I got a murloc pet and you don't, tough luck but that's life, get used to it
I wouldn't mind a pet murky but yeah its not worth my time to waste trying to get the code, for the murlock or the suit... I'll just spend my time in orgimar occasionally with the real (horde side) murky there gurgle noise is so cute xD.
retards the next blizcon is going to be a muloc suit code!!!
Every one you can't even spell! i want it too but read a dictionary learn to spell get an education i'm 11 and i can spell better then all of you get a life or spend your valuable money to get one you bought the game why not a code! It's cute but buy it and don't take a shortcut you could do something way better than this
Where is the murloc place u get the code, and is it still going on?
o my god its just a murlock pet i think you should all chill and get fresh air and go play or do something but il get one for you all!! i promis.
heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy wuts the stinkin code to get a murlock!!!!!!
hahahaha dis is mad funny ur all tapped in d head hahaha y are ppl so offended stop tellin others 2 get a life u lot get a life and sum anger managment haha
u can only get the code at blizzcon
the code is Z4XV-FG65-34F1!!! GEEZ NOW SHUTUP!! and enjoy ur murloc!!!
hmm.. someone has told me that baby's grow up.. maybe i did hear wrong or they where full of s**t
you all are probley really fat or really weak and can't do anything in life so you think your tough behind your computer yelling at people!!! all we want is the code and if you have it and don't want to give it to us don't bother bragging!!! because when you notice nobody cares that you have one and they just keep asking and then every body gets mad and starts yell the all these messages waste everybody's time bodys nobody wants to read about a frickin fight about a game!!!! and that fresh air thing (STUPID) nobody is going to listen to that CRAP!
HAHAHAHAHA this is so (STUPID) go play if you really care so much!!
i want a murlock pet
My favorite thing about reading these comments is that there are about eight entries of people complaining that others who have posted here can't spell. When in fact, the person complaining that those people can't spell isn't spelling things correctly either. Thanks for a great chuckle.
I think that to have a murloc pet would be cool because at a low level you can train it to be your level but if you are a level 30 or 40 it would be like being a baby sitter.
ok for all those people who are tryin 2 stop others askin 4 the code SCREW YOU! sure i dnt hav the code but if sum1 gave it 2 me id be very happy (hint hint) i saw a couple og guys who had the murlocs as pets and they put on a show loads of people donated money just 2 see it again they got like 200g each per show it was amazing i want a damn murloc!!!
an im only down as anonymous cos i can be boverd to do any mor
Who would want a murloc pet when you can have a turtle instead? That's the code I'm dying to get!!!!
I think that it's better to think of pet business then about murloc pet!
Wow, the 11 year old who posted above sounds more mature than most of the other people who have posted on this page.
why dont u guys just order it on the inernet God DAmn u guys put up a big fight dang oh ya im lvl 16 booh ya i need to lvl up my guys thelles by
This is weird, but interesting!
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- -------------------------
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it
Your brain automatically translates
what it says pretty cool huh? so stop screaming at everyone to spell correctly, ok webster?
HAHAHAHA! u guys suck i want a murlock NOW daddy! yeah me too but wtf hillarious. Thank you all for being dorks like me.....
My name is alex i no that it changes every weak so what website do i go to get the code pz help me with this
nub shit fucktards
wow people have gone mad over this im only 11 and same as the guy up top the murloc is neat and im searching for the code but wow some of you are freaking out about the thing like the codes do change every weak if u get a code amke sure that the guy got it this week or else it is usless ive got two of them and ive tried one of them and i didnt work and you dont see me freaking out so ill post the codes and you guys do have bad spelling
The so called 11 year old may know how to spell but her punctuation is horrible and her sentences run on. Not much of a step up if you ask me.
if u think the murloc is cute and u love those sweet little gurgle sounds ur a flaming homo go cry because u dont have the code and i do.
Whats the most anyone would be willing to pay for one of these?
I want one too, but I know my chances are very very very very slim.
U guys are so retarted evry1 has a diff code
Hey yea... this pet sucks... i got a f'in panda so ... pwn
=_=" you all whine about living on a different SIDE of the country and trying these codes that have already been used and stuff... where I come from we're not even alowed to participate in contests WOW has because my country isn't... well I don't know.. BIG enoguh? :O Blizz just doesn't notice us I guess... moreover it would cost me a fortune which I don't have to go to Blizzcon =_=" ... I wanna have a murloc baby too but I'll just never have the chance to get it...
Lucky all of you who have the chance to go to blizzcon *.*
I got Lurky the Murloc :D
Got his couse Blizz messed up with the Netherwhelp in the 'Burning Crusade Collectors Edition' and forgot to put it in the box.
So you had to send some proof that yopu had the box EAN-Code (original) and some other stuff.
And couse they mesed up they gave you LURKY too!!
He is Ultra Rare couse he is only available on EU servers and only if the Netherwhelp is missing in your box.
i wanted a muloc pet so i asked myself wy would i need a crummy pet that doesnt even attack and that the code for it changes every week thats why i think blitzzard is a stupid thing they created they should be like 100g or u could put the unreliable code in and get it for free.
so thats my say thank you for reading
the code is M9U7-R76L4-O5C9
the code is M9U7-R76L4-O5C9
seiously guys if its just a 1 time use pet then whats to worry about watch tv or something just stop complaining
just calm down get to 80 and start a new charecter,get more achivements or do nine-thousand dailys ok
You Are all Fags Stopp Begging and play the game Nobody will giv you a real code so Shut the Fuck Up
You guys do know that this is a joke because there used to be a side scrolling came with these creatures.
Wat is it!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
wow is a horrible game to begin with dont get me wrong alot of fun but this game is evil it consumes people just like the dark side lol so in short wow is the darkside of gaming
what is the code some one tell me leave a coment
How many times do you guys have to be told, everyone has a diff code, and you use that code to get another code that is unique only to the person getting it so you cant just give the code away
Wow you guys are slow
dudes just chill the freak out im 13, i dont give a darn bout ur bickering, so leave me alone and just STFU, oh and if u believe that u can actually get the code... then you r frekin retarded
Interesting post. I like to play World of warcraft which is an interesting games. Have you heard about the Leveling guides which are more useful to move forward from one level to another which I use to review.
Where and when is blizzcon?
Can someone please post how many digits the final code is ?
I'm seariously considering a random number generator.
Alternatively if you've had a code and are on twisting neather please post the used code so i have an idea what letter and number combinations are most likely.
the code is at a blizzcon everyone has said it and everyone that gives u a code is a fraud so i dont know what the big deal is.
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