Saturday, June 03, 2006

Article rewrite by rephrasing sentences

Many hire persons to rewrite certain articles and then to republish them in their own site, trying so to avoid duplicate content penalty. How legal is this? I am not very sure and I think all depends on the article author and I assume the more the article is changed, the more legal it gets.

However, if you cannot afford or you dont want to hire human rewriters, you can use this free tool.

I've seen other tools too, but most of them were commercial or hard to use so I could not really test them.


Ana Aman said...

Prabhakar? It is you who has a problem becaushe I rechecked and exists

Anonymous said...

I tried it on one of my own aricles, hoping to save a little time. Unfortunately, like many other like this, it doesn't provide sensible output. In the unlikely event someone reads it, they would leave annoyed, never to return.


I tried it on one of my own aricles, hoping to rescue a less moment. Unfortunately, like many new like this, it doesn't offer reasonable production. In the improbable case somebody reads it, they would depart annoyed, never to take.

There's no substitute for hard work!

Anonymous said...

Another great option is it uses synonyms that you provide instead of random words

fomman said...

SpunWrite is the best for article spinning--each article is rewritten by people, not machines. It's the only way to get real, readable articles, rather than jibberish.

(Yes, I'm the creator of SpunWrite.)

Regarding legality--you can rewrite your own content till your heart's content. Just not other peoples stuff (unless it's public domain or has a free license, of course).

Anonymous said...

Try, a free online article rewrite tool can help you on this.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

can not open it,but after search 'article rewrite',i think i found a good one -
Including many online tools,such as synonyms tool,automatic rewrite tool,etc.Also including free tool.
Automatically Rewrite Articles

benjiballin said...

or if you want to use an automated free article rewriter use this

Anonymous said...

Personally I like Website Content Wizard. I use it primarily to submit different versions of articles I write to various websites like (And yes, I do write the original article myself!). I think that's one of the biggest problems with submitting the same article to different article sites - they cancel each other out when they're exactly the same.

I think Anonymous 4:27 nailed it. There is no substitute for hard work. Write the original article yourself, then use a program to slightly modify the text into a sensible rewrite of the orginal for other article sites

Anonymous said...

Also check out Human Powered Article Spinning and JetSpinner Free Article Spinner

John said...

Try - It replaces about half of the words with synonyms - providing a good start to re-editing. It has a database of 8000 words x 3 synonyms which have been carefully selected to be suitable. Its online and free for now.

Anonymous said...

finally I am confuse, which one is the best? :(

I have tried several but none is good enough...



Ferdinand said...

I have seen and used some of the article rewriter programs and softwares listed here, but I think powerarticlerewriter is the best, I want to know if anybody know anyother rewriter software that performs like powerarticlerewriter?

Blogging Tools

tony1kenobi said...

there is a new tool on the block and its Web 2.0,

you should check out the best way to write and rewrite articles
